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Gastric Band Surgery

Gastric Band Surgery

Like a piece of mandarin size is left at the entrance of the stomach and a band is placed around the stomach. When food is eaten - about 25-30 ml of nutrients - this area is filled and a feeling of satiety occurs. The emptying of this area is slow due to the narrow mouth of the stomach band. Because the stomach volume to be filled by food is small and the food emptying is slow due to the narrow mouth created by the tape, the person remains both in the low and slow meal state.



  • There are very few risks during the operation
  • No cuts in stomach
  • Can be applied laparoscopically
  • Fully reversible when required
  • Adjustable method



  • Bleeding, organ injury and infection,
  • Displacement and shift of the gastric band in the late period due to food incompatibility
  • Rarely damage at the stomach wall, where touches gastric band (erosion)